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Virgo Full Moon 24.02.24

We have been drifting under the influence of the dreamy Piscean energy since the Sun moved into the imaginative sign, and the Earthly energy of this Virgo moon offers us a moment of grounding to come back to ourselves and bring a little organisation and structure to our big dreams. This is crucial since we need solid and sustainable foundations as we move forward into the next chapter of our lives. 

Since we shifted into Pisces season we have begun our journey through the final stages of the astrological year. It is a time when we see endings and moments of completion as we make space for what is to come in the year ahead. This makes this full moon an extra special one as it is our final opportunity to gain insight on anything else we need to shift or change to be in alignment with how we want things to unfold for us as we step into the new.

The desire for organisation and structure with Virgo can lead to perfectionism at times so it’s important under this moon that we soften and befriend our inner critic and focus on our strengths above all else. Celebrate how far you’ve come and honour the cycles you have moved through in the past months or year. It’s a good time to reflect and integrate all the lessons we have moved through before we enter a new chapter. 

The numerology of this full moon is 7, which always brings the energy of spiritual connection and awakening, and this makes a lot of sense as we may feel parts of us awakening to the prospects of the new that lies ahead. 7 is also the number that represents higher wisdom and as I write about this moon I receive the card of the ancestors. It may well be that we receive cosmic downloads and get clarity on issues we have been needing to resolve under this full moon as our ancestors come to guide us forward.

If Pisces has had our minds trailing off into the distant universe, Virgo is here to bring us back into our bodies and into presence to tune in to exactly what we are feeling and process any emotional weight that needs to be explored. This moon is certainly a time for internal reflection and grounding. 

If you would like some clarity around what may be coming up for you under this full moon, why not book a personal reading by clicking the button below.

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