Aquarius is always an expansive energy but this feels particularly potent with this new moon, as we have had so much Aquarian energy lately; and with Pluto now residing in Aquarius too, we are going to be seeing how our choices and paths are being aligned now to serve the greater good, not just our own.
We may be called to jump into a new way of doing things that might go against the norm. Maybe you've been considering a career change or starting a new venture that comes with a little risk. Either way we are stepping into something new here.
I love the numerology of this new moon too! It's the 9th, which is extremely relevant as 9 represents the ending of a cycle which is very synchronistic with the fact that I pulled the death card when thinking about this new moon. A sign of necessary endings that bring new beginnings and the promise of change.
The numerology of the entire date also makes 19 and this amplifies the energy of the 9. I always think of existence as operating on a spiral, each time we complete a cycle we move up a rung; but we continue to move round each step to the next chapter. So with 19 we see the influence of Aquarius, and his connection to the higher realms and greater consciousness. In effect, under this new moon we are being given the opportunity to level up to a new level of consciousness.
When I look to the cards we have the moon which of course is very apt but reminds us that we will receive great insight under this moon if we open ourselves to it. Remember Aquarius is the water bearer, the bringer of knowledge. When we stay open and make time to connect within we can receive clear guidance about our path now.
We also have the tower, 4 of wands and the emperor. These cards show a journey that leads to great success but one that means we must bravely let the old ways die in order for us to get there. The old ways will not work anymore, and this has a lot to do with the power structures and the authority we follow. What feels true and right to your heart? Will you stand up for your truth, and go against the mainstream. It's time to make your own rules.
This moon feels like free and rebellious energy. A time for us to be brave and open to new possibilities, but we must be honest with ourselves about what isn't working or what doesn't feel aligned for us and step forward into the new.
If you feel the call to get greater clarity on your path and what lies ahead for you, book a personal reading with me. Details and bookings on my website -