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Taurus New Moon 19.05.23

This Taurus new moon offers us some welcomed grounding energy after the ups and downs of the eclipses. Taurus comes in here to bring us back to our WHY. To encourage us to remember where we are headed and not to falter now, when we are so close to the success we envisioned. Naturally, represented by the ram, Taurus energy always feels ambitious and driven, and under this energy we can tap into some healthy courage to continue steadily on our path forward.

Taurus also represents the energy of stability and this is also reflected in the numerology of the date of this new moon. This moon carries the energy of 22 and 4444, with the moon rise that day, being at 4.44am (BST)! These number sequences embody some similar qualities in that they both represent balance in some way, and bring to mind the earthly attribute of Taurus. 22 has a very masculine energy that calls us into using careful logic in planning. It is a number of taking action, but we are reminded to maintain a steady pace, not charge ahead too quickly without thinking things through.

4444 again shares this value of balance - of all things being equal. We can think of this number like the perfect square, or the representation of the 4 sides of the world (N,S,E,W), or even the 4 elements. Whichever way you look at it, this number urges us to look at things from multiple angles and pay careful consideration to the potential outcomes.

444 also shares the message to stay discipline and not give up, and under this new moon we are asked to finally close the door on the past and turn our focus towards the future. There are new beginnings here, if we are able to believe in ourselves enough to bravely move forward and claim them. This is likely to be around work, especially individual and creative ventures. It could be something new, or simply taking a deeper dive of dedication into our projects.

If we can do this we will see great success, stability and improved finances. Taurus highlights our earthly pleasures, so it is no surprise that money and abundance come into focus at this time. Mars moves into Leo the day after the new moon too, building on this need to find balance as we will then be urged to also align with our hearts in our creative endeavours. After that we will be moving into Gemini season, where we will see the physical blending with the spiritual and likely adding a further spiritual flare to our ideas and projects. Exciting things to come!

Under the Taurus new moon, the most important thing is to be grounded in logic when it comes to goal setting. Make sure you get clear on where you are headed so you aren’t just charging on aimlessly. Also, ask yourself if you enjoy what you do. How can you change things to make it more enjoyable, or is there something new you need to pursue? It’s a time to be really honest with ourselves so that we have the most clarity in our decision making processes.

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