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Small but mighty ⚡

I spent a long long time being walked over in my life. A long time feeling small. I just couldn't help but try to please every living person I came into contact with.

And it was soooo draining...

Soul destroying.

I couldn't even see what it was doing to me.

Everytime I hushed my own voice to make someone else comfortable.

Everytime I agreed to things I didn't have the capacity to do without burning out.

Everytime I felt intimidated or bullied into conforming to what someone else wanted or how they wanted me to show up for them.

Everytime I stayed silent when I should have stuck up for myself and stood my ground.

I always tell Brady, "small but mighty"; that's how I view myself now. I'm not someone who will take being spoken down to or treated like my feelings aren't valid. If nothing else, I owe it to that past version of myself to never be exploited again. To never let anyone effect me in such a way that my voice becomes silent.

I've made a vow to myself to never let that happen again. And no matter how much my voice may shake and stutter, how much my diaphragm tightens, or how many directions my eyes look in, I will get those words out and I won't be afraid.

I didn't come here to make anyone else feel comfortable. I came here to grow into someone I never even knew I'd be, to share the voice I have with the world, because there's sooooo much I have to say!

I will not be bullied, gaslit, coerced or cornered by anyone. This is a new year, a new chapter and we aren't taking any shit 🔥

Spiritual growth spirituality blogs
Small but mighty

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