The Taurus new moon falls on the 30th April, bringing with it a partial solar eclipse. Eclipses are known for being times of transformation and the unfolding of fated events. It is often around eclipses that we are given a final push from the Universe to level up. Anything we have been ignoring or avoiding, that's been needing to shift in our lives may suddenly be removed or altered without our control. On the other hand we are likely to be presented with new exciting opportunities.
When I think of eclipses I always find myself drawn to the Tower card from the tarot deck, as these are the kinds of shifts we can expect around an eclipse. Sometimes they aren't easy, but if we can try our best to surrender and trust that whatever is being moved out of our way is for our highest good, then we will usually find ourselves flowing through this intense energy with greater ease.
The Taurus new moon brings a kind of balancing energy to this transitional period and calls us to ground and reconnect. This Earthly energy will support us in staying rooted and maintaining clarity as things shift around us. It's a good opportunity to reflect and tune into our inner world to ensure we are moving authentically along our path.
We have to ask if we're really being honest with ourselves about our current circumstances and feelings, and where can we take greater responsibility for our path and the experiences we seek out. Eclipses can reveal to us our shadows in a way that allows us the space to claim back more of our power, by having the courage to look at things honestly and openly.
Although we might feel pulled to embody the characteristics of the bull and charge ahead with our goals, we would do well to take the time to slow down first. Allow the insights and wisdoms to be revealed to us as we move through the solar eclipse energy, so we can form a better understanding of which steps to progress with next. Being more grounded at this time helps us remain open to opportunities which present themselves as, especially around an eclipse, these may not look the way we expected them to.
The numerology of this new moon is number 4, which is also carrying with it the combined energies of 1 and 3. This represents not only a new start or new opportunities, but also a kind of culmination point where we have taken action on something and now have to come back to check in with our initial intention and ensure we are steady on the right path, so that we can invite in that next level of expansion. Within this, there is still this theme of balance (with the 3), which was a huge focus during the Libra full moon. This guides us to remember that we cannot expand unless our base is solid and our energy is charged. Slowing down is crucial for us to restore our energy before we move forward.
Much of the work relating to our growth is what happens beneath the surface. So, just because you might not be able to see the extent of the progress in the physical, it doesn't mean it's not happening in the subconscious layers of our mind, and in the dimensions beyond our human perception.
Taurus energy can be practical and logical to the point of needing to see tangible evidence and results quickly, but we would be wise now to embrace the journey and trust where we are being lead. Often the most important part of our journey is not the point of completion but the many small steps before that.
Roots grow down before the tree grows up. This is our chance to create a solid foundation from which we can bloom in all our greatness. Patience is key, there's no need to rush.