Capricorns are the realists of the zodiac, so under this full moon we are likely going to be given insight that shows us the truths of situations we may not have until now been able to see. We're going to be shown what isn't working and what we need to do in order to shift. It's time to get real with ourselves and be adaptable like the sea goat. Just like him, we are able to navigate through any terrain that we come up against if we believe in ourselves enough.
If your head has been in the clouds recently, expect to be pulled right back down to earth under this moon, as we're guided to focus on our mission and get the clarity we need to lean into that ambitious Capricorn energy and aim higher. It's time to stop playing small, and to realise your full potential. To see just what you can achieve if you put your mind to it and actually dedicate yourself to that path.
Under this full moon we are guided to consider our direction to ensure we are channelling our energy in the right places. The cancer new moon took us within to see where we could tap into our vulnerability a little more and further express our authentic selves in the world. Now we are asked to ground into this new state of being, and above all, make a commitment to ourselves to honour all parts of who we are. Especially those that go against the norms.
Capricorns have never been ones to fit into society's expectations, as they fearlessly walk their path, even if that means walking it alone. Leaning into this full moons energy, we could find ourselves feeling empowered in the same way. Ready to be exactly who we were meant to be, even if that means the death of an old version of our Self, or a change of direction that means letting go of old ways.
The key is not to resist where we are called to make changes. We have to trust our gut instincts and follow where our intuition is leading us. Sometimes that means making the more difficult climbs, but these feel much easier when we just let our feet lead the way and step out of the overthinking mind.
The numerology of this moon is 8, reminding us of our infinite power to create and the interconnectedness of all things. Being in Earthy Capricorn, this is a particularly good time to connect with nature to remember it's healing power, and it's ability to centre us when we might feel a little off.
The 8 is also an expression of the energies of abundance and achievement, which are very complimentary qualities alongside the ambitious aspect of Capricorn. If we are able to tap into this energy and be very clear about the direction we are heading in, then we will have great opportunities for success.
The important thing to remember though is the need to continue to stay rooted in joy; to allow time to have fun and sit in that lighter energy. It's not all work work work. Ambition is wonderful but there's no greater aim than that of experiencing joy in each moment, so don't push yourself to breaking point. You still need to make space for life to flow, so notice where you're trying to control things too much, and see what magic can happen when you ease your grip just a little.
Use the energy of this full moon to connect with gratitude and invite even more abundance into your life. Ask yourself the difficult questions about where you're headed and reflect on anything that might need re-aligning.