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Writer's pictureBlaise Brady

Capricorn Full Moon 03.07.23

On the 3rd of July, we have the full moon in Earthy Capricorn offering us some welcomed energy of organisation through restructuring. We have been through quite a process since the last full moon, which fell in the sign of Sagittarius and it is almost as if we are at this finalising point now. The Sag moon gave us a sense of clarity around our direction and some forward momentum. Things were a bit up and down since then as we saw fears and insecurities rise to the surface as we began taking steps forward. So it only made sense that the beginning of this cycle came with some feelings of uncertainty and confusion under the Gemini New moon.

Capricorn, ruled by the great teacher; Saturn, urges us to push through our doubts now to connect more deeply with what is meant for us. Being the first full moon post the solstice, we can be sure to see a light shining on everything that needs to be removed from our lives. This may well be seen visibly in our external space, wanting to cleanse or donate old clothes and belongings to clear space; but on a deeper level, this is about what has to be removed because it stands in the way of our success.

Because this is the first full moon since the solstice, it does have this feel of new beginnings and wrapping up or closing the door on old chapters. It’s important to note though, that Capricorn is known for not always connecting well with emotion or expressing it, and I think with these shifts and doors closing on the past, we could do well to find the balance by leaning into the softness of the Cancer Sun as we move through this. The drive and ambition that is likely to arise under this moon is brilliant and crucial for us to connect with as we spark that forward momentum, but we must remain present and aware of our emotional state at the same time.

We can certainly expect abundant new beginnings as we see things settle into a clearer structure, and this has a lot to do with our work ventures and things beginning to pay off. We know that the summer solstice represents the fertile energy that surrounds and this side of the solstice we begin to think of the harvest. In nature crops are becoming ready to harvest and so too, in our lives we see that the seeds we planted earlier in the year are beginning to flourish.

The sun always brings my mind to feelings of joy, and lightness and another message that comes through under this full moon is to find more ease in the process. Don’t hold on so tightly and be so serious all the time. Whatever it is, it’s not worth doing if you can’t have fun doing it.

Synchronistic with the previous full moon in Sagittarius, the numerology of this moon is also 8. Which beautifully symbolises the way in which the journey unfolds. We are never really going backwards, but continuing along this endless flow of energy, learning more and more each time. The 8 is also about the idea of stability as we move through the changes and cycles we go through. It reminds us to come back to the knowing that everything passes. If we feel stuck or blocked, it will pass. We always find our way back. Difficult emotions can often come with restructuring, because that often means we must let some things go in order to do so. Challenge yourself to sit with anything that comes up, and allow those feelings to be there.

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