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Writer's pictureBlaise Brady

Cancer New Moon 28.06.22

This new moon falls in the sign of watery Cancer, a sign that draws us heavily into our emotional worlds. Cancer is protective and shielded, but hides within a much greater depth of vulnerability. When we tap into this vulnerability and reveal our truths to the world we can break through our tough outer shell and honour ourselves more fully.

Cancer, new moon, Cancer season, moon tips, astrology

The crab, symbolic of Cancer, is well poised to guard itself, often side stepping to escape danger. Similarly, we too can skirt around issues or avoid facing things head on out of fear. Under this new moon ask yourself where you might be avoiding something or putting on a brave front instead of being open about your true feelings and desires. Where are your actions driven more by fear and impulse?

This new moon is the start of the first moon cycle post the solstice, giving us the opportunity to reflect on how our lives have developed over the course of the year so far, and what shifts may need to happen to bring us back into alignment with our longer term goals.

We may find that some intentions have shifted completely or no longer resonate with where we want to go. This is a time to go deep and be really honest with ourselves about what is and isn't working for us. It's likely that in the lead up to this new moon you will have been drawn into moments of reflection, and it's important to notice what's coming up as it may give you important clues as to where to focus your energy moving forward.

This new moon carries the numerology of number 4 as well as master number 22, signifying an important time to take action. It's all well and good having the ideas or the internal knowledge, but how can you really embody what you want to create in this world? The 4 can also represent a crossroads and a time to make the difficult decisions, which fits perfectly with the energy of this moon.

This moon also calls for balance. We're called to face our emotions so that we can release whatever we've been carrying and make choices from a grounded and centred place. The 4th card of the tarot deck is the Emperor, reflecting again this need to own our decisions and remember that we are ultimately the rulers of our own lives, with the ability to make the choices that are right for us with confidence.

New moons often provide us with greater insight into issues we have been experiencing, so with this Cancer energy we may find that we are given a fresh perspective on emotional situations that may not yet be resolved.

This is a time to ask yourself, where am I hiding my truths? And, how can I show up even more authentically? Give yourself the space to feel all your emotions, but don't allow them to overwhelm you.

Be sure to take some time around this new moon to look back to the intentions you set earlier in the year and set some new solid intentions for the months ahead.

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