This full moon carries the vibrations of numbers 1, 4 and 5. It seems fitting to highlight all of these here as the 5 brings the energy of change, and this couples well with the 1 representing new beginnings or breakthroughs. I feel under this moon as things become clearer we will be seeing situations in a new light and could be called to approach things differently.
4 represents harmony, action and achievements; and can pertain to relationships in terms of harmony, as it also represents security and stability. This is very fitting with the cancer moon as it's a call into vulnerability and expressing our deeper and sometimes hidden emotions. As we are under the effects of Mercury retrograde its important that we take the time to slow down and process any emotions that rise up before speaking or acting on them, so that we can be clear with our intentions and understand ourselves a little better first.
The full moon brings clarity as truths are revealed, and we may be forced to face some things that we have been avoiding. What's most important is that we stay in tune with our more gentle inner world and draw on our softness in our approach, rather than closing off, or becoming defensive and trying to side step 🦀 away. Being clear and honest now and communicating from a place of loving awareness, is crucial to bringing harmony to our relationships.
This being the first full moon of the calendar year, a lot can be stirred up within us. So in that way our relationship to ourselves is also highlighted here. We may be hard on ourselves for goals we didn't achieve the past year, or for not being where we had hoped we would be. But in reality we have come so far, it just often takes a shift in focus and mindset to really see the progress that has been made.
So if under this full moon you're feeling overwhelmed with it all, just try to take some time to reflect on what went well. What are some of the things you didn't expect to go through, but came out the other side of? What ways have you grown from these experiences? There is always something to celebrate about ourselves and our journey, so let the light shine on the good now so we can invite more of that into our lives as we move through the year.
As we work on finding peace and acceptance for all that is under this full moon, and be honest not just with others but with ourselves, we can get clear on exactly what we needs to shift, or what we need to maybe release as we move towards the Aquarius New moon in a couple of weeks. Being a watery and highly intuitive moon, we would be wise to trust what we feel and what comes up for us at this time.
This is a particularly good moon for journalling under, as often when we begin to write, things that need to come to the surface are more easily accessed.