This new moon is the second of two consecutive new moons in the sign of Aries. The relevance of this is that we're being given a second chance to get things off the ground. The first Aries new moon back in March, marked the start of the astrological year and the promise of new beginnings. This cycle has really given us the space to take action, assess, and then, as we moved through the Libra full moon, to come back to our centre to see what needs changing or rebalancing.
It is no surprise that the numerology of this new moon matches exactly to that of the previous Aries new moon. Both the energies of numbers 13 and 4 are offered under this moon. 13 being the number of good fortune and divine feminine creation, and 4 being the number of success, balance and aspiration. This moon is literally like a mirror portal that is propelling us into eclipse season.
Right now we have to take a moment to look at the past month, or the time since the new astrological year began and get really honest with ourselves about what is and isn't working and what we can do differently now to ensure our continued success. The solar eclipse represents that pause of inward reflection. When all the external is removed, what's left in the darkness of your own internal world? Facing any shadows now is crucial to aligning ourselves with the fated opportunities that the eclipse cycle brings.
Resistance at this point is futile and we will do best to find that sweet spot between taking action and surrendering to the process. Aries is all about being bold and courageous and stepping outside of the box. Be brave enough now to let go of anything that is leaving your life. Anything that hasn't been working that you need to find acceptance for, and move forward. This is not a time for holding on and clinging to what was. A new day is dawning and we're being invited to step into the future.
This cycle offers us a profound sense of inner freedom if we can let go of the past and open ourselves up to new ways of thinking. We've had this previous cycle to get used to the new, and now we must integrate it so that we can experience lasting success. This period is all about taking the risks and releasing control. The universe is asking 'how much do you really trust me?'
There is often a lot of ups and downs during an eclipse season, so expect to feel certain and motivated some days and a little overwhelmed on others. This is all to be expected as we shift through the profound growth that this energy offers us.
The greatest lesson of this cycle is about living your truth. Are there boxes you are still trying to squeeze yourself into? Are you honouring your truths and living in alignment with those? There's no more time for hiding, it's time to explore how you really want to live, and serve this world with your purpose.
The energy under this new moon feels extra powerful and we can expect our intuition to peak. Insights are likely to be direct and have greater clarity so trust the messages you receive and make sure you keep a journal beside your bed to record any dreams.
Check back in with the intentions you set under the last Aries new moon and see how they match up with where you're at now. What new intentions can you set to build on those, or is it time for a completely new plan of action? Either way set some clear intentions under this new moon, particularly around your purpose and soul mission and connecting with your highest truths.