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Virgo New Moon 02.09.24

When I sat down to pull some cards for this new moon the first thing that came through was Knowledge and Light bringer, and to me these cards really connect to the energy of the season as we are gently closing out the summer months and beginning our inwards retreat that will continue to unravel throughout the rest of the year. These cards represent the depth of knowledge that lies within and the need to go within to find it and then bring it out into the light. 

There is something within you that is a great gift to share with the world which will help heal and guide others, and you may well receive insights on this around this new moon. 

The 4 of swords, temperance and the wheel of fortune came up here as a reminder of this need to, firstly draw your energy back inwards but also to trust in this part of the journey. To trust it enough that you don’t slip back into the energy of force when you don’t see things happening quickly enough. The message here is that things are about to change in your favour, but any force will simply delay this. 

The numerology of this new moon is 10, again confirming this new chapter. It feels like a fresh start for many and a much needed time of rest and replenishment before we head into eclipse season and some of the more challenging energies that are ahead of us this month. 

Some will even have a few things to celebrate around this time and honestly it feels only right after the deep spiritual work so many of us have been moving through these past few months. 

There are lengthy cycles coming to an end here and if you have been going through it, expect to feel a little like you’re emerging out of the dark tunnel. We have the nine of wands and 10 of cups here too, so another confirmation of that 10 energy and the positive and abundant outcomes after some hard work. 

There’s likely to be a focus on home life here too which is very fitting with Virgo’s motherly energy. Virgo is not necessarily represented by the mother archetype but personally I feel this energy from Virgo as she is our Earth mother and brings this gentle feminine touch to seemingly masculine energies like method and structure. 

This is also why this is a beautiful energy to work with to commit to new routines and projects, particularly those around nurturing your inner connection. 

The entire month of September is going to be heavily focused on getting our lives in order and clearing out all that is not longer working, so this new moon is a great opportunity to get a head start and reflect on where you’re at and maybe even what isn’t working so well anymore.

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