The Virgo full moon falls on the 7th March, bringing the numerology of the number 8. The 8 is a very spiritual number, symbolising the infinite connection between our earthly world and a higher energetic source. This full moon is the final illumination before the new astrological year begins later this month. So with that the 8 is also a reminder of the cycles that we move through and how we are now coming full circle, to enter a new chapter of our life.
The 8 energy always feel expansive for me, representing themes of prosperity and abundance, as well as our ability to overcome obstacles. So under this full moon we will likely find some clarity on any issues that have caused us to feel a little blocked or stagnant. What is revealed to us under this moon will be a nurturing guide for how we should move forward and approach the new year.
Virgo energy is very earthy and often under a virgo moon we will feel called to declutter, clear our space both physically and energetically, and get organised. If there are things that need to be cleared out, literally and metaphorically; now is the time to do it. What do you not want to carry into the new year? What action can you take now to move towards a more rooted and balanced space before the year closes out?
Virgo is represented of course by the virgin, and despite the current definition of this word, a virgin originally described someone who was fiercely independent. A woman who was autonomous and sovereign. These are the qualities we can call in for ourselves under this full moon, and interestingly this also ties in with Saturns move into Pisces on the same day as the full moon, which is all about living by our own rules. The Virgin of course also brings thoughts of purity and potential and this is a supportive energy we can tap into under this moon as we are shown just what we need to do to move through whatever comes up for us. With all this in mind the most important thing is that we listen within and trust the insights that come up. We must follow the calls that feel true and right for us, rather than looking outside of us for guidance or answers.
With the influence of Saturn in Pisces, we may be feeling called towards our spiritual connection and finding a deeper meaning to our experiences. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac so this is an important cycle that also marks the end of an even longer one that humanity has been moving through, so we could be seeing some exciting changes over the next few years.
One of the key things that is highlighted under this Virgo moon is how we can be prisoners of our own emotions. We may be drawn to look back at various life experiences and see things differently. Virgo’s earthly energy offers us the opportunity to take a logical perspective on emotional matters, as though we can become the observer and understand things in a new way. Full moons tend to illuminate certain truths for us and now we are being guided to see things for what they are rather than what we wish them to be. This shift will help us in the process of letting go of what we no longer need to carry and clearing our energetic space to welcome in what’s to come in the new year.