This is our chance to come back down to earth after any turbulence that this eclipse window brought up. Now with a clearer sense of direction, we can channel that Taurean energy to get motivated and dedicated to the new path we've found ourselves on.
As we come back down to a place of greater stability we could find that we're pushed to dig just a little deeper one more time before levelling out. More things that have been hidden could come to the surface to give us a chance to root out any final pieces of the past that we're holding onto that may be blocking us. You might feel a renewed sense of resilience as we move through this eclipse energy that will give you the strength to process those last pieces before moving forward.
This eclipse is about integration. This is where we can resotre balance by bringing the spiritual awareness we gained from the lessons of the eclipses, into the here and now. How will you put what you've learnt into practice? What new methods and approaches are you going to work with now as you move away from the old ways that are no longer working?
This connects strongly with what we do for work, as mars is in retrograde; asking us to re-visit what we're doing and how we do it. It's ultimately about how we can work/live/relate in a more spiritually centred way. Even if your work is not considered spiritual as such, how can you bring that element in? How can you use your own spiritual gifts to support others regardless of your environment?
Not surprisingly, the numerology of this eclipse is 7. Once again bringing this notion of spiritual expansion, purpose and connection. Another theme of the number 7 is perseverance which is quite synchronistic with Taurus. This was also a theme during the previous full moon in Aries, which interestingly shared the same numerology. It's as though we're coming full circle now. At that time we were focusing on a more mental level of our being and now with the Earth element, our awareness is brought to the physical.
There's also this strong focus on home life as we turn our focus towards pleasure and what that means for us in our day to day lives. We might find our minds drifting to other places that we are drawn to as we ask ourselves what home really means to us. We're called to look at the home we create within ourselves too. How do you connect with yourself? Do you feel at home within your own body? How can you cultivate a greater sense of The Home Within?
Moving through all the emotional work that the scorpio solar eclipse brought and all that came up with it, was heavy, so now we're called to focus on our pleasures to restore that sense of balance as well as stability, so that we can feel grounded and connected once again.
The solar eclipse focused more on the shifting, and very much in a relational and external sense, and now the lunar eclipse brings the focus back to us on a personal level. What makes us feel fulfilled/ whole? What purpose is there to our work and the daily actions we are involved in?
New beginnings are on the way and as we move past this eclipse luck is on our side. It's likely that things will begin to naturally fall into place.
As always; stay open, listen to your intuition and try to surrender to the process with any final pieces that are coming up for clearing. Connecting with nature and anywhere that helps you feel rooted is perfect for helping to stay grounded as we flow through this energy.