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Scorpio new moon + Solar eclipse 25.10.22

New moon, eclipse, solar eclipse, solar eclipse scorpio, scorpio moon, scorpio New moon, astrology events

In the lead up to this new moon you may have noticed a shedding process taking place. Some things that are not meant for you have begun to be stripped from your life. If you find yourself questioning - why isn't this or that working, or noticing a felt sense of distance between you and certain others, understand that this is a necessary shift as you move forward on your path. Not everyone is coming with you, and not everything you do now is what you're meant for. Eclipses are known for bringing huge shifts and fated events into our lives so we can expect to see things changing suddenly before our eyes. Relationships, careers, all areas of our lives can feel the effect of the eclipses.

I always think of the tower card in the tarot when I think of an eclipse season, and with this one starting off with the solar eclipse in Scorpio, these changes are likely to be things that call us into deeper authenticity. Scorpio knows too well about the shadow self and working on integrating those parts of us to bring them into the light. So as we step into the darkness in the moments that the sun leaves us, we are being given an opportunity to swim ever more deeply into our own shadow, to see how we can find acceptance for all parts of our Self, and with that greater sense of awareness, look at how we can transmute any dark or heavy energies that we may be carrying. This can also reveal to us things that may have been hidden, which may support us in connecting with deeper truths.

As ever this doesn't have to be a time to fear. Though the energies can feel intense, when we open ourselves up to possibility we are more able to draw in the opportunities that the universe wants to present to us. It may not be what you expected or thought you wanted but staying open now instead of resisting is going to ensure you are on course to live your souls truth and purpose. Clinging to the old is not serving, and ultimately keeps us trapped in repeating cycles, never quite moving forward. The eclipse gateway is a chance for us to end those cycles once and for all and rise up once more to claim the new beginnings that lie ahead.

Notice where resistance comes up and see if you can soften into the flow more when you feel that familiar feeling. If we resist the fated events that are coming in now, we could experience some testing moments as we create a conflict between our personal will and divine will. Sometimes we don't need to understand fully what's happening or the reasons why, but simply trust it and follow what we're pushed toward. Synchronistically the numerology of this astrological event is the vibration of number 5, signalling change and a shift of perspective, moving us to release attachments to the past and open ourselves up to the possibilities of the future. Conflict is a common theme that comes up with this number too, as the shifts mean that some things (or people) no longer fit or align.

With Scorpio being a very emotive sign, it's no surprise that we are likely to experience many strong emotions coming up for release during this period. But this is simply part of the process we must go through in order to make space for the new. This really builds on much of what we have been working through emotionally since Chiron has been on his retrograde journey. Chiron calls us to face our wounds and by doing so gain the power to overcome them. As chirons retrograde journey comes to an end December 23rd, this eclipse cycle is where we could be feeling some of those lessons beginning to wrap up. Scorpio offers us resilience during this transitional and transformational time and reminds us of our ability to not only overcome adversity and challenge, but to learn from it and come back even stronger. With whatever comes up, take the time to reflect on what your emotions are telling you. What truths can you uncover by facing your feelings head on?

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