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Scorpio New Moon 13.11.23

The Scorpio new moon marks the start of a fresh new cycle. Being the first new moon post the eclipses, this is a cycle of integration. It is now that we embark on a new journey, putting into practice the lessons we have learned throughout the eclipse portal, and making any adjustments that need to be made for our continued success.

This new chapter is very much concerned with breakthroughs and new beginnings, so we may finally be seeing those shifts we have been waiting for and working towards finally unfolding in a very beautiful and abundant way. As long as we can surrender our fears and follow through on the intuitive nudges we have been offered, there are amazing things waiting to happen.

We may have to take a risk to set ourselves free from the restrictions we have been feeling, but we must not procrastinate or we could miss some important opportunities.

Everything is coming into balance. If it feels like recent times have been turmoil and chaos, we are now seeing things settle into a harmonic balance. This includes relationships deepening or expanding to new levels of connection.

Scorpio represents depth and transformation, so this is an opportune time to explore any shadows we need to work on. Any unhealthy habits or behaviours that are no longer serving us as well as any emotional issues we still need to clear. Scorpio calls us to confront these shadows with courage in order to become free of them.

This moon carries the vibration of the number 4, bringing up themes around order, stability, determination, and honesty. It’s about seeing all angles and being open to several truths. Scorpio is deep and philosophical so we could certainly be thinking about our next steps in greater detail around this new moon, as well as gaining insight into new paths or approaches that could benefit us.

This new moon certainly brings an expansive energy with it and we could feel more passionate and inspired towards projects we are involved in, giving us an extra push to bravely step forward on this new journey.

If we can connect deeply within ourselves and express ourselves in a way that is aligned to our deepest truths, we will see greater success on this path and find we have a lot to offer that will bring us good fortune as well.

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