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Writer's pictureBlaise Brady

Scorpio Full Moon 23.04.24

Throughout the eclipse season we have been moving through some strong energetic shifts, and whilst the eclipses are over for now, we are still in the final stages of our rebirth into our new chapter. Scorpio moons always draw us into deep reflection and reveal our shadows, so with this being the first full moon post eclipse season, it is likely that any final pieces that are not quite in alignment will be making their departure from our lives. 

I get the sense that there is still more change to come for some of us and we would do well to stay tuned into the surrender and trust what is unfolding. This full moon is a culmination point and as much as there may be some important issues brought to light, there is also an underlying sense of that which we have been working for finally be revealed to us too. 

This full moon carries the numerology of 8, symbolising the infinite abundance that surrounds us and is available to us now, and a welcome reminder that balance will be restored. So if you feel like you’ve been working really hard on something but you’re not quite seeing the results yet, this could be the time where you start to see it all happening for you. 

It feels like this is particularly true around the areas of financial stability and wealth, and if we can just hold the faith a little longer, and stay in a flow state rather than trying to exert more force because we feel it’s not working; then we are going to stay open to receiving and welcome great success into our lives. 

Of course with this full moon being in a water sign, we will also likely have some emotions rising up. This makes a lot of sense because we need to process all the changes that have been happening. We need to allow ourselves to grieve the endings that have occurred for us recently, including the relationships that have shifted or ended. 

In all of this we are asked to draw our energy back to ourselves, tap into our intuition, and consider what we need to do to fill our own cups. There may be some big decisions to be made around this full moon so it is important that we listen to this call and stay grounded and connected to our truths. 

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