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Scorpio Full moon // Lunar eclipse 05.05.23

Our second eclipse of this cycle falls on the 5th of May. This day carries so much 5 energy, with not only the date being 5/5/5, but also the fact that it lands on the 5th day of the week! - 5555. This number is significant for a number of reasons. One being that the 5 always represents change and transition, and this of course is amplified by the repetition. Scorpio of course is no stranger to change, so the Scorpio energies of death and rebirth link perfectly with this number sequence. Change can be uncomfortable, but it pushes us to grow and opens the doorway to new adventures.

The 5 represents a turning point in which we must not only let go of the past, but also shift our focus to the future. We cannot fully open ourselves to what lies ahead if we are still caught up on experiences of the past. Holding on to things literally takes up energetic space which leaves less space for receiving. It is no surprise that the fool card jumped out of my deck today as I thought about this Scorpio eclipse. Of course traditionally we would not experience this shifting kind of energy under a full moon, but the eclipse changes the rules slightly.

As we think about embarking on a new journey now, we can expect a lot of emotions and wounds to rise to the surface to be alchemized. Scorpio always urges us to explore our shadow aspects, so this eclipse will certainly be calling us inward. As we move toward the Taurus new moon later this month we will be preparing to get fully rooted into our new path and the next phase of our journey, so Scorpio guides us to release what no longer serves and finally close the door on the past.

Since the initiation of this eclipse cycle, we have seen a lot of change already beginning to unfold. This is all in preparation for what is to come, and this lunar eclipse is a moment for us to pause and process what has been happening so far. With all of this change that is occurring, relationships also come into focus. We might find there are huge shifts that are occurring within the relationships in our lives, as these are re-aligned. But this is not just about the relationships that are external, it’s about the relationship you have with yourself. Are you living in alignment with your truths? Do your actions match your words? Where are you not showing up authentically? This is a rebirth moment that will allow us to elevate immensely, if we are willing to look into those dark places to face and accept what resides there.

This may all feel heavy, but ultimately it will bring us the great sense of clarity that we tend to experience under a full moon, as this energy is still available to us. Scorpio being highly intuitive means that we will likely receive clear guidance and insights under this eclipse if we take the time to go inwards and really listen. The Universe asks us not to act necessarily at this time, but to surrender our will and trust the unfolding of our lives. It can be hard to see why things are happening when we have attached ourselves to certain outcomes, but when we release control and let the universe take over, we are often surprised by how beautifully things fall into place. We must have patience of course. The new beginnings are coming, but there is a process to all things and lessons we must learn along the way.

Overall, this eclipse feels like a lesson in trust. Can we step out bravely into the new, even though the rest of the path is unknown or unclear? Can we allow ourselves to be guided forward and just lean into the Universe’s divine flow?

Expect revelations!

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