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Sagittarius New Moon 23.11.22

New moon, Sagittarius, moon cycles, astrology

After the somewhat turbulent period we have just journeyed through with the eclipse cycle, this new moon in Sagittarius welcomes a much needed sense of freshness and clear sight. It's as though we've travelled through he storms and the sky has cleared to a beautiful blue. There's hope in the air.

This marks a new cycle beginning whereby we are taking everything we have been working on and learning during the eclipses, and integrating it all as we enter what could be described as the next level on our path. This energy really does feel like we're being given a supporting step up to reach new heights particularly within our soul work. So don't be surprised if around this time you are having new ideas about how to expand in your work or the things you're involved with that are serving to the collective. These are inclinations from your intuition about the direction you need to head in.

The Taurus full moon eclipse asked us to find and connect with the 'Home within' and for good reason. We really need to be grounded within our own being in order to be ready to take those next steps and shoot our arrow with certainty and confidence.

With Jupiter ruling Sagittarius there's a sense of lightness that comes with this moon, and we will likely find our confidence increases as things become clearer. Above all we are realising just how strong and capable we are after all we have been through during the eclipse gateway. We can take comfort in the thought that if we could navigate through all of that, what could possibly stop us now? We have the chance now to tap into thag fire energy and feel the renewed optimism that Jupiter offers.

Jupiter has been travelling retrograde but moves out of this path to station direct on the same day as the new moon. This heightens the feeling of forward momentum and optimism that Jupiter exudes. With this we will likely see opportunities arising that are aligned with what we've been working towards, or simply just a deeper sense of clarity about the work/ creative endeavours we're involved in.

The important thing now is to trust where you're being lead to, and believe in your ability to achieve it. It's worthwhile spending some time around this new moon to take a moment of appreciation for the achievements you have made, as well as setting some solid intentions for what you hope to achieve in the months ahead. Life can be a harmonic dance now if we're able to truly let go of the past ways and embrace new ways of being and doing that allow us to flow more, and respond to life rather than controlling it.

Welcome new beginnings and abundance into your life now by tuning into a mindset of gratitude, even for the difficult lessons you might have had to endure during the eclipse period. After all, each experience has powerful wisdom for us to take in. From that place of gratitude we can also focus on what we want to manifest, as our ability to bring our manifestations into reality also peaks under this moons potent energy.

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