This new moon in Pisces feels intensely powerful. Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, so it could definitely be that we are going to be beginning to wrap up some final lessons and cycles before the start of the astrological year with Aries. The death card has been coming up a lot in the approach to this new moon and I can only feel that this is highly resonant with the energy of change and transition that we are now moving through. There are things now that we must let go of, things that we must accept are not working. There is likely to be some resistance here but we would do well to lean into trust, not just as to what is shifting around us, but also inwardly. Pisces is a highly intuitive sign and this makes for an even more potent new moon, where we will be receiving clear insights and downloads of guidance, if we can slow ourselves enough to listen to it all. The message I am receiving is that resistance now is only going to delay the new beginnings that are waiting for you.
Pisces is represented symbolically by the fish, in which there are actually two fish swimming in opposite directions. This references the dualistic nature of our reality but also that connection to something higher. Pisces is about accessing states of higher consciousness for this reason and it could be inferred that the two fish are symbolic of our human and spiritual bodies being in flow with one another. This idea of living in flow is also one aspect of the number 11, the number vibration of this new moon. 11 calls us into flow with the universe in an expansive way. The number 11 also brings messages of new beginnings and a point of evolution or transcendence. The judgment card also came up when reading for this new moon, and it feels like we are being guided to align our path and actions with our personal truths and values. In order to live authentically and step into alignment we must release ourselves from old conditioning and beliefs that restrict us. We must step away from what is expected of us to instead do what feels right. Pisces connects deeply to emotions so it’s a good time to dig deep and reflect on what we feel most drawn to, and what makes us feel free and joyful.
Balance is another theme that is highlighted with the number 11, and it feels like this has a lot to do with work and what we are giving out energy to. There is the sense that we have been working hard lately but at times this has begun to consume us. With that we may also find our minds focusing on finances, noticing where we are holding on too tightly or focusing too much on money instead of being present and enjoying the journey. It may be a good time to plan a break from work and take some time out to slow down.
Surrendering to the flow feels like the key message of this new moon, which is a topic I have been working with and discussing a lot recently. I shared some powerful insights into this subject in a masterclass I hosted, if this is something you would like to explore further you can watch the replay via this link: