Dreamy and imaginative Pisces brings us a powerful new moon that will have us experiencing major breakthroughs when it comes to following our dreams and making those dreams a reality. Of course, Pisces is an intense water sign that represents the afterlife and this energy really helps us to see beyond the veil and envisage new beginnings ahead that create a monumental shift in our reality.
Pisces season itself is a floating chamber of transformation as we let go of the old and prepare to be reborn into the new astrological year, with Aries season. It is likely that you have already been taking leaps of faith and big steps towards those new beginnings that you desired throughout the month of Pisces, but the new moon here is the significant turning point where we can just check in and make sure we are on the path in alignment with where we want to be headed.
It is a moment for us to appreciate the major moves we have already made and reaffirm those intentions to keep building and expanding into the year ahead. Right now we are not thinking about short term goals, but BIG dreams about how we want our life to look. Where do you see yourself a year from now? What do you want to have achieved? This is not a time to play small, but to really show the Universe what you BELIEVE you can be and are worthy of.
Ever intuitive Pisces will likely have had the insights coming in thick and fast this month and that is only going to be more so under and around this new moon. So what intuitive nudges have you received, and are you brave enough to honour them? What fears are holding you back?
The passionate energy that is currently running deep in your soul is your driving force to actualise this new beginning for yourself. Just don’t lose sight of the act of surrender and remember that you don’t need to control or force, just simply flow with your ideas and intuitive messages, knowing and trusting that you are being lead to exactly where you need to be.
The numerology of this new moon is 3, which connects so well with the Piscean energy. 3 is very symbolic of harmony of mind, body and soul. So here we are really finding our own way to create alignment between our inner desires and our outer experiences - the bridge between worlds that is Pisces. The 3 is also about creativity, growth and abundance, so you can be sure that the projects and places where you are pouring your energy into now are certainly going to pay off. Keep trusting.