Eclipses are always a particularly potent time energetically, where we tend to see some huge transitions occur in our lives. Often eclipse season leads us through a series of wildly synchronistic events that guide us, not so gracefully onto the path we are supposed to be on.
I always think of the eclipse seasons as a period where we get a little extra helping hand from the Universe. Where we might have lost our way, become complacent or swamped in stagnancy, this higher energy comes in to shake things up and get us moving in the right direction. Of course this doesn’t always feel great, because of course the will of the Divine isn’t always a match for what our ego minds have decided our path should look like. If we’re attached to a particular path unfolding and that doesn’t happen to be what we actually need to experience right now in order to grow, God will take over and create a shift in our reality. If we’re unable to surrender to that, then the eclipse season can feel a little challenging.
When we can accept that what we think we need or what we think is best for us isn’t always right, and that a higher plan may be unfolding, it becomes easier to let go and trust where we are being led.
This particular lunar eclipse is in Pisces. Now Pisces is the sign of the afterlife and the final sign of the zodiac wheel. This is significant because it represents not just the ending of a cycle but the ending of a very big one, like a generational wound that’s been operating for a long time.
Of course the afterlife carries many unknowns, and this too is relevant here, because there is a huge call to step, even leap, into the unknown now. The first card I pulled for this eclipse was Crossroads, and it's so interesting because this is not a literal - don’t know which way to go - crossroads. This is a mental perception that you’ve created. You’re not actually at a crossroads at all, in fact the path is being shown to you pretty clearly, but you just don’t want to let go of the past. When you transition into the after life you cannot hold on to life. In the same way now, you cannot grow into this next level of your evolution whilst still attached to that old way of doing and thinking.
The crazy thing is, there is so much that is waiting to flow into your life. So much abundance. I reference the after life again but in that space there are no limits and this is the energy that’s becoming available to you now - moving beyond limitations.
Now with this transition there is likely to be a period of instability or feeling a little ungrounded, but just remember that this is natural and necessary when we transition. You might feel a bit like a fish out of water for a while. Going from the pond to the ocean is scary but it opens you up to an unimaginable amount of new possibilities. And I’m hearing, when you feel that don’t let it draw you back into the old patterns. You need to have courage here and maintain a balance of energy. This is particularly important because what is occurring asks you to defy logic. That means you will need to be tuned in and turned on to what you FEEL and being guided by your intuition. The masculine energy of action needs to serve the feminine energy now for this to unfold in the best way.
There are new opportunities, even offerings that will come up seemingly like you’re in the right place at exactly the right time. This is also why this need to surrender control is important, because otherwise you might not see what’s right in front of you. And for a lot of people this is going to be a shift into being able to create financial stability and even generational wealth. The only thing that is definitely required of us to receive that is to allow ourselves to be truly SEEN. That means no more hiding from judgement and just being out there raw and authentic.
The numerology of this eclipse perfectly encapsulates this energy. Firstly I want to point out that the date first shows a palindrome when we simplify it 17 becomes 8 and 2024 becomes 8 so the date becomes 898. This number represents prosperity and good fortune but is also significant because being a palindrome amplifies this energy of harmony, completion and synchronicity. So stay open to the signs all around you because there will be many.
The eclipse also carries the numerology of 7 which is about harmony particularly on a spiritual level and of course luck. So we have some seriously powerful energy around during this eclipse and the best thing we can do is to stay open to change and grounded within our own being.
If you would like to learn more about what may be unfolding for you personally during this time, make sure you book a reading with me.