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Virgo New moon 27.08.22

New moon, virgo moon, moon phase, astrology today

This new moon brings a shift of energy and signifies a turning point.

Under this energy we are called to go inwards. This part of our journey is deeply personal and relates to our journey of self discovery and outward expression. We're asked to look at our lives with practicality and get really clear on what we are working towards. The Earthy energy of this Virgo moon invites us to ground deeply into new realities that we are now creating, but to do that we also have to be able to really look at ourselves and recognise what further changes we may need to make, or what else needs to shift from our lives in order to create more space for what we want to invite in.

The theme of balance is strong with this moon and its a call to apply this in all ways. Success comes from hard work and dedication, but if we don't allow time for rest we will negatively influence the process. Can we take a methodical approach but refrain from being controlling? To create the perfect balance we must get ourselves organised and have a solid plan in place, and this is the energy that Virgo is offering us under this new moon.

We're beginning a completely new cycle within our lives now and this moon asks us to consider what still remains undone or unresolved. Mercury stations retrograde on September 9th and much of the themes associated with this period will begin to be highlighted around this moon aswell. If there are things left unsaid or truths we need to share then now is a good time to do that. By expressing ourselves authentically we also create space inside of us that allows more room for balance and harmony. We will also feel more grounded in our decisions when we don't have stagnant emotions and other blockages clouding our mind.

Interestingly, the numerology of this moon is 5, which connects back to this idea of shifting and transitioning, as well as making necessary changes. I drew the King of Earth card when thinking about this new moon and he really emphasises this message. He asks us to check in with the approach and processes we're using and assess if they are actually providing results; and if not, change them. But don't give up.

The message that I keep hearing lately is- "You get out what you put in", and this is what we need to remind ourselves under this new moon. What intentions and goals can we set right now that we can really see ourselves achieving in the coming months? What's holding us back? What can we do differently? and how can we see things differently? The 5 is also about conflict and often discord so we will need to use our discernment when it comes to these things, especially as we move towards mercury retrograde. How are we letting the opinions of others influence us? Taking time to step back from the external distractions and going further inwards to hear our own thoughts clearly is crucial now, so that we can identify if the critical voice in our head is coming from a place of fear or logic.

This moon could be a pivitol moment along our journey, and the beginning of a pathway into some place new. The more grounded we are, the more open we are to change, and therefore possibilities.

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