This Libra new moon brings a particularly potent energy of new beginnings emerging, as we have a solar eclipse happening as well. The eclipse amplifies the usual themes of a new moon, and this feels like it’s opening up a whole new chapter of our lives. Of course new moons always represent the beginning of a cycle, but right now we will be experiencing shifts that will impact the course of our lives way beyond the month ahead.
As scary as change can seem, we would do well to trust in what happens under the eclipses. I believe that eclipse cycles are a time where we are given a helping hand to live in greater alignment with who we are meant to be. That often means that the moves we have been afraid to make, are taken into the hands of the universe and this brings fated events. This can be difficult to navigate if we have been holding back from doing what needs to be done, but we can rest assured that whatever is shifting is for our highest good.
With this cosmic event being so representative of a new chapter, we are also called to focus now on the surrender and release. It is time to recognise what we are holding on to from the past and let it go, particularly around relationships, as this is a key theme that Libra connects us with. There may be issues of conflict of things that are unresolved but now is a time to release it all so that we create the space to welcome in all that is to come. It’s time to make peace with the past. This shift feels like freedom and success, but we have to be willing to ride the changes and trust the process.
Libra of course represents balance and this theme is of particular importance under this eclipse. It’s saying to us - where are you giving too much? Where are you blocking yourself from receiving all that you are destined for? It’s a good time to look at the balance (or lack of) in our lives and consider what needs to be different. Reflecting on this might help us also make sense of any fated events that take place. What are they revealing to us about the ways we have been living and how can we create more harmony in our lives?
Eclipses always draw us into our inner worlds and are often a time where we can connect with higher states of consciousness. This is a time where the veil is thinning as we approach Samhain and Halloween as well, so meditating and taking time to go inwards is really important now so that we can access the clearest guidance along the way.
I love that the numerology of this new moon and solar eclipse is 13 and 4. These numbers carry similar energies and are significant in that they represent the connection between the masculine and feminine. The 13th card in the Tarot is Death which is also a fitting imagery for the eclipse cycles, where we inevitably go through a rebirthing process. This number is about tangible outcomes and setting up firm foundations for the future, and the 4 is about spiritual growth and enlightenment - all powerful themes to connect with under this eclipse.
The most important thing to remember under the eclipse is that it is not a time for trying to control, but for surrendering further into Divine will. When we do this, we can see great things unfolding.