This full moon brings with it the numerology of the number 8. A powerful number linked to harmony and embodiment of abundance, success and peace.
Interestingly the 8th card of the tarot deck, now Strength, used to be Justice; which correlates with the scales of Libra. I find that both of these cards resonate greatly with the qualities of Libra though. With themes of fairness, freedom, balance and peace, which again link back to the vibration of the number 8.
The number 8 also reminds us that energy is always shifting and moving (like the infinity symbol), and that it is our choices in action that offer us the momentum to progress forwards. 8 also shows us that there are endless possibilities, but we have to ask ourselves what is it that we really want to manifest?
Libra is classically indecisive, and around this full moon our attention may be brought to where we might be holding ourselves back by not just making a decision and running with it. If we can work with the 8 energy around this moon we can find the strength to be honest with ourselves about what we really want, and move past concerns about what others might think.
Fear of judgment can be a heavy Libran quality, but we're called to remember now that if we forever hold ourselves back because of this fear then we will not be able to cultivate the genuine peace and fulfillment that we seek. And this is, in essence, what this full moon is all about. Looking at how we can cultivate a deeper sense of peace within our lives by being more direct and honest with not just ourselves, but others too.
Libra can tend to lean into quite superficial thinking, and this can be used as a means of escape too- looking only at the surface level and avoiding what's underneath. This escapism is quite typical of Libra, especially through socialising, so be mindful if you're feeling super sociable that you're not just trying to distract yourself from other issues. To create balance we have to be willing to look more deeply at things, and find the middle ground between idealistic and realistic.
This is relatable to our relationships at this time too, with Venus ruling Libra. Often around a Libra moon we will see imbalances within relationships rise to the surface, so that we can become more aware of where we may be giving too much and burning ourselves out, or where we could step up a bit more for others, and where we may need to implement firm boundaries.
Planet Eris, also known as the goddess of discord, is also active under around this full moon. This means that some of these imbalances could come up in quite an intense or confrontational way, especially if they have been out of balance for some time and are reaching a breaking point.
Eris also represents our dark feminine energy and we can definitely embody this aspect to draw the strength we need to stand up for ourselves and put our foot down where it is needed. It's time for us to stop giving our energy to anything that doesn't bring us peace and this moon is going to support us in letting go, or cutting ties with anything, or anyone, that's weighing us down.
The core theme in all of this is balance and harmony as, represented by the scales of Libra. We are being asked to create balance by clearing out anything that doesn't align with our path and inviting in more of what does.
Questions to reflect on around this full moon:
Where am I falling into in-action and procrastination?
What feels heavy in my life right now?
How can I honour and protect my feelings more?
Join me on Instagram @blossomwithblaise for my live moon meeting Friday 15th April @ 8pm UK time 🌙
