The Libra full moon falls on the 6th of April. An interesting one this year as it falls between not one but two Aries new moons. This feels perfectly aligned as we entered a new astrological year and fresh new cycle with the Aries new moon in March and it is as though we are being given yet another opportunity to ensure we get it right. The Libra moon calls for balance; for letting go of what weighs us down and holds us back. We have seen the prospects of our new journey and now it is time to get real about what can not come with us as we move forward.

Libra is of course represented by the scales, so under this full moon some truths will be revealed to us around where we may be giving too much of our energy away, or perhaps where we are not giving enough. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, we can often see relationships brought into focus under this full moon. Libra, carrying the quality of air, is one of the communicators of the zodiac; and it is no coincidence that she is here to reveal to us what needs to shift before we head into another Mercury retrograde journey in a couple of weeks. So this is a good time to be really honest and clear about how you feel. We also create inner harmony when we share things that we might have been holding in, so focusing on this release will be beneficial under this moon.
Emotions can often be high under this full moon and we could find ourselves feeling a little overwhelmed and indecisive. It’s the perfect time to practice some self care and cleansing rituals to connect more deeply within and hear the voice of our intuition more clearly. We are also called to check in with the relationship we have with ourselves under this moon. Thinking about what we need, and how we can honour ourselves more as we move through any changes that are stirring. This energy is about finding peace within our Self and getting clarity on the boundaries we hold around our heart.
In perfect synchronicity with the energies of this Libra moon, the numerology of this moon is 8; highlighting the need to balance both spiritual and physical connections and bring these elements into alignment. We have the fire of Aries behind us, urging us towards bold decisive action, and airy Libra bringing us into contemplation and deep thought. We must try not to spend too long procrastinating, and instead draw on that Aries energy to do what needs to be done.
The 8 also represents prosperity; and it is likely that, if we can listen to the calls to surrender to what needs to shift and have the courage to move away from what is no longer serving us; then we will find success. However, if we try to hold on and control things we could find ourselves feeling even more stuck.
Most importantly under this moon, be gentle with yourself, and nurture and express your truths clearly and confidently.