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Libra full moon/ Lunar eclipse 25.03.24

The Libra moon always brings a focus on relationships and particularly the full moon is a time when we are seeing any issues or imbalances highlighted to us so that we can act and create the change we need to elevate beyond the issues or challenges we have been facing. 

With it being a lunar eclipse it’s like even more of the deeper and darker shadow aspects of our relationships are being brought to the surface. This can be intense and often leads to huge shifts including the ending or beginnings of relationships, and under this eclipse, we are going to see both of these occurring as our relationships get a well-needed shake-up to realign them. 

The ten of wands and Ace of cups comes up with this energy and for me it feels like a pivotal time to release the attachments and relationships that aren’t working so that we can open up the energetic space to let the love that’s right for us flow into our lives. 

If you’re in a relationship it doesn’t necessarily mean it will end. If the foundations are strong it may just be that certain things that you’ve been carrying or holding onto within the relationship need to be let go of now so that your connection can evolve to new levels of love. This might look like major breakthroughs with things you’ve been dealing with or trying to work through, which brings harmony to your relationship.

Whatever happens, the eclipse season is certainly a time to really surrender and trust the unfolding of events. I feel that when we move through the eclipses it’s like a higher power has taken over the controls of our lives for the moment to move things around and ensure we are on the best path that is in alignment with our purpose and goals in this life. Sometimes we go off track, or our mind gets in the way; so the eclipses are like the reset button where we get to start afresh. I always say - anything that ends during an eclipse season is meant to go, so let it.

Of course Libra is all about balance, and as we are under the influence of the sun in Aries at this time too, we must balance the focus between Self and Other. Libra wants us to focus on love, be compassionate and prioritise connection, whereas fiery Aries is fiercely independent. If we can harmonise these two opposing energies we could see our relationships thrive.

When we think of relationships, it’s also not just about the ones we have with others, but the one we have with ourselves. So this is a good time to do a bit of self-care, connect with your inner wisdom and consider what parts of your life feel good, and which don’t feel so aligned anymore. 

If you’re noticing synchronicities, just know that there’s a higher power working behind the scenes in your favour to support your highest good. Interestingly the numerology of this eclipse is 7, representing ultimate truth, spiritual awareness and alignment, and higher knowledge. All very in sync with the themes of this eclipse.

If you'd like to book a personal reading to see how this eclipse season is going to affect you, hit the button below.

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