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Leo full moon 05.02.23

This Aquarius new moon marked the beginning of a very exciting cycle. One which brings promise of new beginnings in many ways. It asked us to invite in new ways of thinking and doing things, and even begin working on new projects and ideas.

With all big changes there often comes fears and doubts, and the Leo full moon is here to remind us of our inner power. It comes to offer us the confidence and courage of the lion to bravely go forward into what may be unknown territory.

Carrying the numerology of 5, this full moon marks a turning point. Leo represents that bright sun energy, and we are seeing in nature now the shift into spring. As always, we find the shifts happening for us synchronistic with nature's cycles. It's the promise of brighter days ahead and heightened sense of hopefulness and joy flowing in.

Passion is a key theme that's come up for me for February and this word links perfectly with the Leo full moon too. The fire energy is the driver for passion and we're asked to align our expression and how we present to the world with our inner passion.

If the Aquarius new moon brought lots of ideas forward, then the Leo full moon is a good time to reflect on which ones really light you up so you can follow the call to focus on those. This moon is doubling up on the boldness that Aquarius asked us to bring, so we may find we're drawn to positions of leadership where we can guide and teach others.

Leo has a self conscious side too so be cautious about getting too caught up or distracted by what others think of you as you move through this phase. Putting ourselves out there takes a lot of courage, just remember your 'why' if you sense yourself falling into thoughts of self doubt and restriction.

With this undercurrent of passionate energy we will also likely find ourselves being naturally more drawn to people, places and things that align with what we're trying to create or who we're trying to become. We could also find that this breathes new life into our existing relationships aswell.

Equally, we may see a little more clearly where our passion doesn't lie and this could be a sign of where more changes need to be made for us to truly live our joy. This is a moon to think about yourself a little more and what you really desire.

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