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Gemini New Moon 18.06.23

With every new moon, a new cycle begins, and this moon in particular represents the start of a new journey for us. The question we are asked right now is, are we really ready to receive what’s next? This path has a lot to do with financial gain, finding stability and security, but this can only come with the right balance between the giving and receiving in our lives.

It’s no surprise that this theme comes up, as Gemini connects us to the idea of duality. Gemini reminds us that there is always another perspective; another side to the story. Can we detach from our material desires enough to see what really matters now? Being an Air sign, Gemini can often have us in our heads, being pulled from one side to the other with our thoughts. We could certainly find ourselves torn between our head and our heart at this time.

Under this new moon we are being guided to drop back down to reality. In many ways this is about accepting the truth of certain circumstances, and I feel that this comes back to the understanding that we can’t do everything. Maybe we have been trying to get multiple projects off the ground and we’re having the realisation now that it’s too much, or maybe we are feeling the push to go forwards but feel uncertain about the direction to move in. For some it could be time to start over and let go of the past, which of course can be daunting, but there are so many blessings in the new beginnings that are ahead.

Whatever comes through for you, just trust what you feel. It is especially important under this new moon to take time to go inwards and reflect. To listen to your intuition and take aligned action. The numerology of this new moon is both 22 and 4. 22 is a master number that offers a powerful energy that we can tap into in regards to manifesting our dreams into reality. Whilst 4 speaks of discipline, hard work, and again, stability. So in a way, we are being asked to take brave steps forward, trusting the journey even if it isn't all completely clear just yet.

This new moon is in many ways a very mixed bag. But, if we take the time to get still and be really ready to see the truth, we can find great clarity about where we’re headed. It can be helpful under this moon to write down all your thoughts so that you can recognise the patterns, and feel which are coming from your heart and your truth, and which are coming from fear.

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