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Gemini Full Moon 27.11.23

The full moon falls on Monday 27th of November in the sign of Gemini. Gemini brings the notion of duality that exists within each and every one of us and the world around us, and this lunation will highlight for us how we need to maintain that healthy harmony between our internal and external worlds.

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is known for having a split mind and often being torn between choices; but also for being able to see things from more than one perspective. So if you’re finding yourself in your head a lot around this time, grounding and slowing down could help you gain some clarity and see the bigger picture that is unfolding. Often the reason our mind becomes split is because of fears that we carry, but this full moon is offering us a moment to pause and shift. What do you no longer need to carry? What is standing in the way of you living out your most authentic expression?

Although the midpoint in the lunar cycle, this full moon comes with the numerology of the number 9, representing completion and new beginnings. So we have an opportunity here to really align our world with what we are here to create if we can get out of our heads and follow our hearts.

Maybe this moon will reveal to you where you have been wearing a mask, and how this has become too much of a burden now. It’s time to strip it back and integrate both sides of your being - the light and the dark. Are you accepting your shadows or trying to hide from them?

Either way, to reap the rewards and gain the success that we are capable of, there is an element of risk that must be taken. We can use the influence of Mars now and Sagittarius to offer us this fire of bravery to move forward and let go of the past, or the pieces of it that no longer fit on our journey.

If we can make the shift, we will see everything fall into alignment and this is going to have a particularly positive impact on our relationships. Gemini represents the dual nature of our Self but also the connection between self and others and how we relate, and there is space for relationships to flourish the more true to ourselves we are.

The core theme under this moon is that of balancing giving and receiving. It’s about honouring just how much you have to give, but also knowing your worth and opening yourself up to receive.

It seems perfectly in alignment with this moon that I am running an online Self-love embodiment retreat the week of the full moon. You can join here for just £27

If you would like some more personalised guidance, you can book a reading here.

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