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Gemini full moon 08.12.22

Full moon, Gemini moon, Gemini full moon, moon cycles, moon blog

Gemini is symbolic of our polarities, and of the different versions of self that we embody. Under the airy energy of the Gemini full moon we could find our mind is split on some matters in our life. Sagittarius has called us to step up, aim high and head towards our goals but now we are in a moment of reflection.

As we set our intentions confidently with the Sagittarius New Moon, we started to take action and see some things shifting. From this new vantage point we are needing to have a little reality check. You may have had many ideas and tried to get a few things off the ground, but we're called now to really hone in on what exact path we are going down. You can't juggle everything and this full moon is going to highlight just what we need to do, or not do, to get where we need to be. It's a call to commit more deeply to your work and to let go where it's needed.

This is a moon of internal honesty. A time where we're asked to look within and realise where we're not being true to ourselves, where we may be 'performing' for others or simply doing what is expected rather than what's meaningful for us deep down. Of course there are fears, because having your eggs in multiple baskets makes you feel like you have safety nets, but just imagine what you could accomplish if you put your all into just that one thing.

This moon really is about pouring into our Selves, but also not being rigid, and staying open to the offers and opportunities that present themselves. Shadow aspects may come to the surface now, as we are being shown which unhealthy patterns and behaviours we're still tied into, and how they may be holding us back. If we can be present for what comes up then this full moon is a powerful opportunity to ignite change and release those attachments.

For me, the dualistic nature of Gemini directly represents the connection between our physical and celestial body. We are human but also spirit, and the split between the two can often create conflict within. But when we draw on the skills and wisdom of both; when we express our spiritual nature through our physical bodies, we can create true magic here on Earth.

The 8 numerology of this moon, reminds us that we are unconditionally loved and that we should love all parts of our Self too, not try to be too rooted in one or the other but creating a gentle harmony within so that we can outwardly express that and share it with others too. The number 8 is also a number that is very much connected with the energy of Gemini, representing the material and spiritual worlds and creating balance between them; which of course is what this moon is all about.

This is the last full moon of the calendar year so if we can work with the energies at play and do the work to release what we no longer need; and at the same time, begin to embody that sense of harmony within and without, we gift ourselves a wonderful opportunity to approach the following moon cycle and 2023 with a solid sense of direction and certainty that will bring us great success.

Under this full moon, notice when you're in your head too much and take time to pause. Ask for answers anywhere you are indecisive and trust the signs and insight that you recieve.

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