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Pisces full moon 10.09.22

The pisces full moon falls on September 10th, a date carrying the vibration of the number 7. This is a highly spiritual number and a sign that we are being given an opportunity to elevate beyond our current understandings and consciousness. The 7 also brings up the idea of alignment, and living in flow, which is a message that the piscean fish always highlight for us.

Pisces moon, pisces full moon, full moon, moon, moon phase, astrology info, pisces

Being a watery moon we can expect our emotions to be rising to the surface, and we may find ourselves feeling triggered, as any unresolved issues or suppressed feelings call for release. As a deeply emotional sign, pisces can often feel overwhelmed by the rawness of the emotions inside, and this can lead to the desire to escape or hide away from it all; a feeling we might find ourselves relating to under this moon.

But, if we sit with our feelings rather than trying to escape the uncomfortability of them, we will likely be surprised by the insight and wisdom we can gain about ourselves and our experiences. This is what the full moon wants to reveal to us. It's asking us to dig deeper and find the truths beneath the surface.

With the influence of Mercury's retrograde transit through Libra at this time, this moon is urging us to find balance through integration, especially within our relationships. When we resist or try to pull away from what we feel we lose our centre, and things begin to weigh heavier on us. When we open up and speak with clarity and honesty about how we feel, we restore harmony. Under this full moon it is likely that we will be shown where it is that we need to open up more and surrender to our true feelings instead of just going along with things that don't resonate.

The full moon coupled with this Mercury retrograde energy is pushing us to have the difficult conversations that we may have been avoiding. Our challenge is to rise above our fears, to meet whoever, and whatever we need to, with honesty and clarity.

This moon asks us to shift our perspective. We may find ourselves being triggered easily around this time but this is simply to remind us of where work still needs to be done. We're asked to stop seeing our wounds and triggers as a seperate part of us to be avoided or hidden, but instead as beautiful opportunities to learn. When we accept them and understand that all parts of ourselves are equal and necessary, we gift ourselves the awareness and the ability to take in the transformational learning that our triggers provide us. Instead of being a victim of them, we become empowered by them. The 7 also symbolises completeness and perfection, a reminder that all the different parts of us and our experiences are not only perfect for us, but make us perfect too.

Under this full moon, we also have this undercurrent of loving energy which we can tap into and utilise to shift perceptions and judgments and move away from ego thinking. We have to ask ourselves the tough questions now, and be ready to make changes where they are needed. Where are we resisting? Are we being honest about how we feel? Are we projecting old wounds onto current circumstances? How can we express our self and needs more lovingly? What are we avoiding within our self?

As always we can recieve beautiful insights and clarity around full moons as they light up what we need to see. Try to sit with your feelings around this time and instead of closing off, open yourself up to them and allow them to flow through you as they are meant to. The release of heavy emotions creates more space for joy and a deepening of the relationships around us.

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