The Capricorn new moon falls on the 11th January, offering us the beautiful qualities of the angel number 1111. Not only is the date shown as 11/1, but if we add the single digits of 11/1/2024 we also get 11. So this energy of new beginnings is very strong under this new moon. With it being the first new moon of the calendar year, this is a huge opportunity for us to set some big goals for the year. Even if you don’t celebrate the new year in January, these energies are really offering us a clean slate and support from the universe to level up.
Capricorn is of course highly ambitious and methodical, so utilizing this energy in what goals we set and how we approach them is going to be key! There’s a strong theme around work in relation to Others, and maybe how we can share ideas in order to grow something even more impactful. It feels like there are decisions to be made here - maybe as to whether we are willing to take the risk and open ourselves up to more and share our ideas with others, or whether we will keep our guard up and try to go it alone.
If you find yourself weighing things up or just tired of the ups and downs and instability that you’ve been experiencing lately, this could be a good time to reflect on a new path forward. What can you do differently in order to bring greater success? Sitting on your ideas or trying to do too many things right now is not going to be conducive to the forward momentum that we can experience following this new moon. It’s time to gather your skills and put them into practice. This has a lot to do with truly believing you are capable and taking the risk to fully devote yourself to something.
If we can lean into the wonder and choose to move forward now with optimism and confidence, we will likely be surprised by how well things fall into place. There is a strong ace of Cups energy with this new moon, again highlighting that prospect of abundant new beginnings and prosperity flowing into our lives.
This moon feels transformational and almost like a rebirth type of energy. We are planting the seeds for huge manifestations that will begin to unfold as we continue our journey through 2024. Be sure to connect with what your big goals are for the year, especially around work and personal projects that you want to develop further, and take time to visualise them coming to fruition.