This Capricorn full moon is the light at the end of the tunnel. Throughout this first part of the year we have been moving through a greatly transformational journey. At times it has been trying, and we have been asked to keep trusting and surrendering to the process even in those moments where we couldn’t see the wood for the trees.
You might have been getting glimmers, but feeling like what you want has just been ever so slightly out of reach, but this full moon brings ten of cups energy. This is about completion, abundance and receiving, aligning perfectly with the numerology of this date - 8 which represents achievement and success.
It’s a powerful moment where we can finally claim what we’ve worked so hard to build. This is balance being restored. What comes now will restore your confidence and offer a renewed sense of drive and ambition to continue to expand on this success.
Something precious you have been nurturing is beginning to flourish so take a moment to witness it, to witness how far you’ve come and to allow yourself to drop into a flow state. No more forcing, Capricorn invites us to ground ourselves into this new reality.
This could also be a particularly emotional time with the Sun moving into Cancer just the day before the full moon, and also initiating some potentially huge shifts around how we honour our hearts. We invite greater balance and harmony into our lives when we express and honour our hearts truths, so this is a time to open up and be honest with yourself and others about what you really want.
The 8 is also symbolic of unconditional love and our two most prominent loves in this life are our loved ones and our passions. Here we are asked to see how we balance the two.