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Cancer New Moon 17.07.23

The Capricorn full moon marked a new beginning. Following the summer solstice, a door was opened into the new. We were shown where our doubts were, what we needed to change and what needed to go in order for us to succeed on our path.

Now as we sit under the watery energy of the Cancer new moon, we are asked to go deeper. We needed the focus under the Capricorn full moon. We needed to be logical in our approach, but now we need to find the balance of our masculine and feminine energies by tuning into our felt sense. How have the shifts that have occurred made you feel? Is there anything that you’re still holding on to?

The Cancer moon is all about vulnerability, and how embracing our emotions allows us to come home to ourselves in a way that sets us free. The card that came to me as I write this is Unity, which feels so synchronistic with the energy of Cancer. The message of this card is to sit in deep self acceptance; to find your centre and walk in alignment with your truths. It is about self inquiry and integration. How can we lean into those more challenging emotions that make us want to retreat into the protective cover of our outer shell? Can we allow them to be there without judgment?

The numerology of this moon is master number 22, which is an energy that has been carried from the previous new moon in Gemini, generating the same numerology. This number is associated with the divine feminine expression, as well as intuition and emotion. All themes that are very much connected to Cancer. 22 is also about building towards success and this is what we will be moving towards as we get really honest with ourselves and honour how we feel.

Honouring our true feelings is also about prioritising self care and giving ourselves the space to nurture our internal connection. When our energy is too focused outwardly, we lose clarity; and can often become confused about how we feel. This lack of clarity is what holds us back from making aligned decisions that will support us in manifesting our desires.

So, under this watery moon, tap into how you feel. Take some time away from your routine to reconnect with yourself. Immerse yourself in loving and nurturing practices, as well as making space for stillness; as this is where we can access true clarity and vision.

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