This new moon really asks us to slow down and re-evaluate. With Neptune and Saturn retrograding in Pisces right now we are being brought down to earth and are likely seeing things more clearly. We are being shown the truth now, and that might be difficult to accept, as this also means letting go. There are endings that must happen around this time which will create the space for everything that is meant to stay to come together.
It may feel challenging to move through this as you might not be able to feel the progression and forward momentum that you had felt building recently. This is not a time to fear or falter. It is simply that we are being called to check in with ourselves and make sure we are looking after ourselves properly. There has been so much going on lately and so much action but we must balance that with intentional rest. Let go of the belief that rest is a waste of time. This is the energy we need to be in to receive the abundance that is coming in.
Cancer, represented by the crab, reminds us of the need for balance. There are times when we need to protect ourselves with our tough exterior, and there are times when we need to connect with our inner softness. We can no longer side step and avoid some of the heavier things we have been carrying and it might now be time to make some tough decisions, but ones that will allow you to honour your truths and find that path forward in alignment with your goals.
Cancer reminds us of our need to feel safe, and so we will be looking at everything in our lives right now and whether or not they provide that. What do you need now in order to feel more safe and secure?
This is a powerful new moon, marking the end of a long cycle connected to our ability to receive. If we can move through this with the courage to remain open and see the truths we might have been avoiding, amazing things will happen.
How much are you betting on yourself? What are you willing to do to commit to your bigger goals?
Take time under this new moon to practise some self care, switch off for a while and connect with your heart away from the external noise. That’s where you will find your clarity.