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Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 15/16.05.22

Updated: May 14, 2022

On the night of the full moon this month we have a total lunar eclipse, falling in the constellation of watery Scorpio.

This lunar eclipse is a call for us to go deeper, to gain even greater clarity regarding our personal and spiritual path this lifetime. Scorpio is highly intuitive, so coupled with the energy of a lunar eclipse we will likely find ourselves being gifted sudden and profound insight that we may not have had access to before.

Scorpio lunareclipse lunar fullmoon
Lunar eclipse in scorpio

As we delve into the waters of our intuition we will have the opportunity to embody new levels of understanding about ourselves and our purpose, and we will be guided to shift our perception in order to increase compassion towards ourselves and others.

Scorpio thrives on authentic and deep connection, so it is likely we will be called to expand our connections by seeking out, or being drawn to, more of those who resonate with us on a soul level. We are being guided to see which energies do and don't resonate with us, so we might find ourselves pulling back from certain people or places, and equally, being drawn to others. This is divine intervention at play, giving us the assistance to tune in to what we need to release and what environments are best for our growth.

Throughout this eclipse portal, we have been experiencing many changes and shifts on physical aswell as non physical levels because we are collectively meeting at a point of closure. This period marks a clear ending and breaking away from the past, and an influx of fresh energy that offers us opportunity and new beginnings.

It can be difficult to navigate through big changes and endings that are happening but we can absolutely trust that anything that's ending is simply being removed from our lives to make way for something much greater. The card that keeps popping up lately in readings for myself and others is the 10 of swords, which also carries the message 'Everything is fine!'. I think this is great reminder to trust the process and know that there is always a higher meaning as to why things happen the way they do, and that we will get through it just fine, when we trust and surrender to the journey.

The numerology of this lunar eclipse carries the 8 vibration, which focuses on peace, strength and abundance. The 8 is a reminder that we are so close to reaching our goal, so to persevere and not lose faith even if things seem a bit trying.

In terms of abundance, eclipses tend to bring forward opportunities and fated events. But these may not always look the way we were expecting them to, which is why it can sometimes feel like we have no control over the changes taking place.

The call to surrender is a theme that has been carried throughout this year and especially under the energy of the eclipses. We also have Mercury in retrograde so this could be highlighting any unresolved issues from the past, or we could be noticing old patterns resurfacing. Instead of fearing this, we can choose to see this as a chance to check in with those experiences to see what we could work on releasing or where we might need to do some more work with our own shadow aspects.

As the solar eclipse brought forward external opportunity and change, the lunar eclipse calls us further inward. We can expect to recieve powerful clarity and insight to guide us forward, especially regarding our soul mission or purpose. Under the eclipse energy we are also likely to see synchronistic events and things manifesting quickly.

Overall, this is a time to take in the messages the universe has to share and spend time in reflection and introspection. Don't try to do to much, and instead focus more on just being present with yourself and your thoughts. Tap into the Earthly Taurean energies to stay grounded and engage in some free writing or journalling, as it could be particularly insightful at this time.

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