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Aries new moon 01.04.22

The Aries new moon falls on the 1st of April, giving us a beautiful opportunity to set our intentions that we wish to see flourish throughout the year ahead. Being the first new moon of the astrological year, and backed by the fire of Aries, it's set to bring with it a surge of potentiality and creative energy.

The start of the new year of course represents new beginnings and fertile energy for us to plant seeds, just like we are seeing in nature at this time of year. The numerology of this moon is tied synchronistically

New moon Aries Astrology
Aries new moon

with this concept, adding an even more powerful punch to the energies at play.

The date of the new moon carries the numerology of the master spiritual number 11. This coupled with it being the 1st of the month, provides us with this 111 energy. It's a reminder that powerful new beginnings are on the way and many of the experiences that come up now are fated events, governed by forces around us in the spiritual realms. The 111 energy speaks to me of living in alignment and renewal on all levels.

Interestingly labelled April fools day, this day connects with the energy of The Fool tarot card, also representing the start of a new journey and in many senses, being free to walk our own way. This makes perfect sense as the shift into Aries season brought with it this ambitious energy, that had us reflecting on our direction and path.

For many of us the Virgo full moon highlighted to us what we needed to release in terms of the expectations we put on ourselves, as well as where we need to get organised in a balanced way. It showed us that sometimes we simply need to surrender the finer details and just trust and accept where we are.

Since that time we have been called to re-evalaute things, and look back over the past year (or maybe even further) to check in with how far we've come and if we're still heading in a direction that's in alignment with who we want to be. We needed this time so that we could get clear and root out anything that is no longer right for us, in preparation for this new moon, and year.

Under this Aries new moon we will be especially called to consider our life path in terms of our work or what we give to the world. Aries has a lot of energy, but if not directed into a passionate outlet, it can leave us feeling a little scattered and unfulfilled.

Practicing grounding under this moon will support you to make clear intentions that you can take action on. Although it can feel like a burst of energy it's important not to try and do too much otherwise we could find ourselves starting multiple projects only to leave them all incomplete. Instead set a small number of achievable goals that will put you on the road to success.

Some questions to reflect on under this new moon are:

What is no longer right for me?

Where do I want to be a year from now?

What passions have I neglected?

What do I want to create right now?

Join me on instagram for new and full moon meetings where I discuss the key themes and lead us through ritual to make the most of the energies on offer to us 🌙


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