The first thing that came through when I sat down to read the energy of this full moon was the REBIRTH card, and I love this energy. It makes total sense following the eclipses and al the changes that they have brought, but it also fits perfectly with the energy of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, or the baby of the zodiac, and always represents a brand new cycle. So although this is a full moon, it's feeling a lot more like a new moon in that sense.

Full moons of course tend to bring things that have been hidden into the light, and with this full moon that feels like the physical shifts and manifestations that are coming into form after the inner work that has been taking place. Throughout the eclipses we have been working through severing ties with old programming that no longer aligns with who we are becoming and feeling into where we are being restricted by conforming to social and societal norms.
This somewhat rebellious energy has been a prominent undercurrent lately and I feel like around this full moon we're going to be seeing more of that play out in the external world as many spring into action on all that has been stirring beneath the surface.
Aries is bold, fearless and not afraid to go their own way, and we can certainly use this energy now to take some leaps towards our big dreams in a way that goes against how we might have done it in the past. It may not seem obvious but when we take action that moves us towards greater alignment with our personal truths, it actually helps restore harmony in the world and we are more open and able to give and receive.
With the letting go of old ways, we are also seeing a hugely pivotal moment here which is connected to the end of some long heavy cycles related to our sense of belonging. This makes sense as throughout the eclipses we have also seen huge shifts around relationships for this reason.
This full moon carries the numerology of number 9, fitting perfectly with the energy of new beginnings that it is bringing in. This is a time to take leaps of faith, and trust yourself to make big moves. Expect ongoing challenges to come to an end here and create space for you to feel excited and energised with your actions.
It's important that we also practice staying grounded and patient too under this energy as Aries of course can be a little impatient, wanting things to happen quickly. Be mindful not to be lured back into old patterns of thinking when there are moments of uncertainty or seeming stillness. You must trust your inner authority and your connection to something greater as you bring innovative ideas to life, and know that everything will fall perfectly into place.
If you'd like further insights around what is coming up for you around this time, you can book a personal reading using the button below.