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Aquarius new moon 21.01.23

Writer's picture: Blaise BradyBlaise Brady

This new moon feels somewhat refreshing, and brings a joyous energy with it. Aquarius is known for being a highly innovative sign, and often under aquarian energy we are gifted with insights that help us breathe new life into our projects and ideas. The free spirited energy of Aquarius is like no other sign and when we tap into this, we draw in more confidence to follow those deeper calls. The ones that steer us away from the norms and boxes that we’re sometimes trying to squeeze into.

New moon, aquarius new moon, aquarius moon

Aquarius asks us to be bold, and open our hearts and minds to new ways of thinking and being. It is by opening up in this way that we are able to shift away from anything that is not in alignment with what we are trying to be or create, and move closer towards all that is. It’s about leaning into our most authentic expression without fear of judgment for being ‘different’ or ‘weird’. All brand new ideas will seem weird at first to some, but it is only through this exploration that beautiful changes can happen within our world.

This is the message I’m getting with this new moon - ‘Don’t be afraid to try something new’. Sometimes stepping away from what we have always known is scary and seems overwhelming, but that’s no reason to stay stuck in the past, or stay committed to things that aren’t serving us or the collective. Aquarius wants us to think outside of the box of conventional ways.

The numerology of this new moon is 11. 11 is considered the master number spiritually and is associated with the presence of a higher power, and spiritual gifts. This is synchronistic with the representation of Aquarius as the water bearer, highlighting our connection to something greater and the wisdom and insights that we can draw from that.

If we think of our existence as a spiralling vortex, the 11 also has implications of spiritual advancements and personal growth. With the 10 we find completion and the closing of a cycle, then we climb up to the next rung of the spiral and begin again at 1. This time with a different perspective and new understandings about who we are and what we must do.

Under this new moon expect to feel alive with innovative ideas. It’s a time to feel inspired to venture along a path that is closer to your soul’s calling. This is a time to honour your spiritual gifts too, and even consider how you could make them your life’s work. This new moon has an expansive aspect to it, drawing us into considering our connection and impact on the collective body too. This is a good time to be social and connect with community.

With the imaginative and inventive aquarian energy, we could see some amazing things being born under this new moon. Ruling planet Uranus calls us towards a revolutionary vision as we make space for new possibilities, particularly relating to the idea of freedom.

Under this moon, ask yourself; What makes me feel free? What can I do differently to live more freely in my true expression? What impact do I have on the collective consciousness? What impact do I want to have?

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