Aquarius is bold energy within the zodiac, known for unique perspectives and fearlessly going against norms or expectations. This has a lot to do with the fact that Aquarius is a direct channel to higher wisdom. The symbolism of the water bearer reflects this as well as offering us the opportunity to go deeper in some way within our lives.

Throughout Leo season and in particular with the Lion’s gate portal energies, we’ve been undergoing a collective pull towards greater authenticity and fearless self expression. Leo has been offering us the courage to share more of our truths with the world and showcase our individual gifts.
Throughout this process, as empowering as it sounds, it’s meant we have had to face some serious shadows because it’s revealed to us with blinding clarity where we’ve been holding back and playing small because of old programming and conditioning that’s been passed down to us.
For some this has felt like a set back and that somehow you’re still waiting for this moment when things erupt since the energy feels like it’s been building for some time now.
Well, Aquarius is here to do just that. This full moon is going to be the shake up you’ve been waiting for, but it might not look exactly how you expected it to. As I sit down to write up this blog, I pulled the transformation card and Shock of the new, so just know that whatever is happening around this full moon is exactly what you’ve been preparing for. Even if you don’t know it.
Maybe you have been called to move in a new direction but haven’t quite made the transition, or maybe you’ve been in your head so much that you haven’t been sure if the ideas you’ve been having are intuitive or fearful at their core.
Either way, expect to get clarity under this full moon.
The numerology of this moon is 8, signifying abundance and infinite possibilities and I think that’s a reminder that when we stop trying to control the outcome and listen intently instead to the signs we can find great success. Because by surrendering to what is, any friction caused by resistance is dissolved.
We also have the ten of swords, death and temperance showing up for this full moon. Again representing this huge turning point and end of the old ways. I love how Aquarius is represented by the temperance card too, depicting an angel holding two cups and pouring water from one to the other. It’s a reminder that there are higher forces working on our life situations right now and that balance is restored effortlessly when we let go and trust the process.
This full moon feels like a powerful moment of ascension.
If you're looking for some clarity and guidance with this full moon and the transitions it is bringing, book a personal reading with me.