The Aquarius full moon falls on the 1st of August, and it's really wrapping up what we have been moving towards throughout July - aligning with our destiny.
Aquarius is the free thinker of the zodiac, not afraid to be different or break the norms. So under this full moon we are being shown where we need to step forward and be bold. Coupled with the energy of the sun in Leo, we are really called towards authentic expression and fearlessly being true to ourselves.

This moon is about us having the confidence of Leo, to walk through the doorway of a new beginning and embrace the opportunity that is in front of us. It brings completion and success if we are able to walk away from what is not serving our growth. There may be decisions that need to be made under this energy. Are we brave enough to follow our visions or will we let fear hold us back?
Full moons always bring helpful insight and this moon in particular, with the energy of Aquarius, will be flooding us with higher wisdom; if we can open ourselves to it. Depicted as the water bearer, Aquarius is the embodiment of higher consciousness and has the ability to pass that knowledge down to us on the Earthly plane. So, under this full moon, stay open to signs and synchronicities that may be offering you guidance. If you feel the urge for change stirring in you, this is the effect of this Aquarius moon.
The numerology of this moon is 7 which aligns with the expansive energy it brings. This number is a powerful spiritual number which speaks of spiritual advancement and wholeness. We see 7 everywhere in spiritual and religious teachings, and in our world - 7 chakras, the 7 deadly sins, 7 days of the week, the 7 sacraments. This number connects to collective consciousness, and it feels like it arrives to us under this moon to remind us that the way we truly support collective advancement is by honouring our greatest truths. It is not by following the crowd, but by stepping out in our own unique expression; sharing our unique gifts, that we help each other progress.
We bring balance to the world by showing up as our truest self, even when that looks different or whacky. This is our purpose. Under this full moon, this energy feels very much related to the area of work in our lives. Take a moment to consider where you might be hiding parts of yourself to fit in, or where there is a deeper longing for something different. The expression of Aquarius is creative and innovative, so we will likely be feeling motivated and driven, especially towards humanitarian work, or work that is in service to the collective.